Saturday, October 6, 2012

Litany of Humility

This morning I helped at the SAT given where I work.  My job was to give periodic breaks to the test proctors.  I love "breaking" in this one particular room where Theology is taught.  The teacher and I share a sisterhood in Christ and she builds me up each time we have a conversation.  Thank you, Jesus, that I work and spent most of my waking hours in a place where you are celebrated and loved - out loud!

Today I noticed a new (to me) poster on her wall titled "Litany of Humility" and I share it here.  I need to pray this EVERY day - maybe it will inspire you as well.  Recall Micah 6:8.

O Jesus! meek and humble of heart, Hear me.
From the desire of being esteemed,

From the desire of being loved,
From the desire of being extolled,
From the desire of being honored,
From the desire of being praised,
From the desire of being preferred to others,
From the desire of being consulted,
From the desire of being approved,
From the fear of being humiliated,
From the fear of being despised,
From the fear of suffering rebukes,
From the fear of being calumniated,
From the fear of being forgotten,
From the fear of being ridiculed,
From the fear of being wronged,
From the fear of being suspected,
That others may be loved more than I, 

Deliver me, Jesus.

That others may be esteemed more than I ,
That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase and I may decrease,
That others may be chosen and I set aside,
That others may be praised and I unnoticed,
That others may be preferred to me in everything,
That others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should,

Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.  

This is my prayer and I plan to walk into that room often to remind myself how to live in a community.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

28 years

Today is our anniversary - Paul and I have been married 28 years!  That's a long time, y'all!!  I want to share here a poem I wrote for Paul on our 15th anniversary and I still feel the same. 

You Are The One

I wondered, as all little girls do, who I'd spend the rest of my life with.
And when I imagined being in love, "happily ever after" was not a myth.
Though we came to each other from different directions
We immediately recognized God's connection.
Love, honor and cherish - we promised to do.
So began our journey, at first just two.
Soon blessed with a son, we had found paradise:
Love, never more clear than in a child's eyes.
Almost half my life now I've spent with you
And I realize the joys and trials, too,
Which are part of God's plan for our life together
Serve to make us complete, stronger, better.
As outside activities compete for our time
I still treasure the moments that are just yours and mine.
As we celebrate the anniversary of our wedding day
I renew my commitment to you this way:
To be your helpmeet, strong by your side
Knowing as you lead, God is your Guide.
Why did we marry? God put us together!
You are the one for me now and forever!
Tonight at our anniversary dinner at Texas Roadhouse, I heard the country song "One Boy, One Girl" and the lines reminded me of our meeting:

One boy, one girl - two hearts beating wildly.
To put it mildly it was love at first sight.
He smiled, she smiled, they knew right away
This was the day they'd waited for all their lives.
And for a moment the whole world revolved around one boy and one girl.

We met in Sunday School at Sherwood Baptist in Albany, GA where I was a member.  Paul came in one Sunday morning visiting (he was working and living with his aunt and uncle who were also members) and we all turned around to see who was coming in the door.  I saw a very good looking young man who needed a place to sit, and I just happened to be sitting on the front row with an empty seat beside me which he took.  That was it!!!  We became friends but the Holy Spirit had already told me we'd be together.  Our first date - I asked him for a ride home with the promise of hot chocolate - was after a Christmas program we both were a part of and it lasted a llllllooooonnnngggg time - lots of talking and beginning to get to know each other.  I told my roommate after he left that I'd just been out with the one I'd marry.  And so we did, less than a year later.  When you know, you know; I knew then and I still know now.

Monday, November 7, 2011

"Tump" is so a word!

I grew up in Birmingham, AL and used to have a neat playground toy in the backyard called a whirlygig.  It was a round, 4 seater, merry-go-round type thing with handles and foot pedals at each seat.  A fanny goes in each seat, hands on the handles, feet on the pedals - push, pull, spin!  Loads of fun - when you have 4 people who can make it go.  I had a little brother and a little girl neighbor and a little girl across the street neighbor; as you can see I was a giant among little children in my back yard.  Every now and then we'd have enough kids to make it go and that was like going to a carnival!  But when I was on one seat and not enough weight directly across, it would tump over.  Does anyone NOT know what I mean?  I related this story once and was soundly laughed at.  "Tump" is so a word and evokes a great bunch of memories!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Prayer requests, no - pleadings

Had a friend thank me today for praying for her, and I have been.  Tests were coming back with good results, she was feeling better - but I knew I have not been the prayer warrior I should have been.  I resolve to do better.  There've been so many friends lately with serious needs that have been on my mind and heart. Sometimes it almost seems too much to think of.  I am so thankful, though, that my Father knows my heart's desires.  And that even though I may not mention it time and time again, He knows my prayer requests, no - pleadings.  And they resonate with Him.  This is the dialog I'm having in my mind:

Me: Father, I know you're busy.
God: What is it?  I'm not busy.
Me: My friend needs...I need....My family needs...The world needs...I want...
God: I know their needs, and yours too, but tell me anyway - and be specific.  I want you to come to me with anything and everything - and often.
Me: I know, God, and I'm sorry that I get busy and forget (now my mind is conjuring up pictures of Jesus and how He was never too busy and never forgot, even on the cross)
God: Don't cry, child, I know you love me.  I just want to hear it because I love you so much.
Me: I need a hug.
God: Me too. Come closer; I'm always here for you.  Just a breath away - even when it's your last, I'm here.
Me: Thank you - for all you do for me.  I so don't deserve it.  You're so awesome and powerful and loving and - you still have time for me and care about what I care about.
God smiling and shaking His head replies, I want to do it for you.  I want to do more, just ask.  I gave you the best I had; do you think I'd not give you anything else?
Oh, the resources I don't utilize!  I resolve to spend more time with Him in prayer and study.  I'd like to look as much like my Father, the King, as I do my earthly father. 

Life gets tedious...

I thought of my father-in-law today.  Albert Cardwell - loved him: great man, dad, grandfather, father-in-law, husband, friend, counselor, therapist, pastor, son, brother, uncle. He was gentle with tough love and always had time for...just about anyone and anything.  What made him come to my mind was thinking earlier that sometimes I just don't want to do what I need to do!  (Insert little whining noise)  Not necessarily a hard thing or really an undesirable thing, but just being lazy and not wanting to do (fill in the blank; I know you've felt the same way!).  Heavy sigh (I just had a Mork flashback).  I heard him in my mind as I heard him so many times say, "Life gets tedious!"  He was the epitome of 1 Corinthians 14:40, "let everything be done decently and in good order."  He wanted things to be done right, people to act right, stuff to run right - well now he's in the only place that really happens: Heaven with his Lord and Saviour.  I can't wait to see him again!  Life's not tedious now, is it Albert?

Saturday, October 1, 2011


I woke up thinking about Jesus the other morning and what I saw in my head was a crown.  Maybe some of you have, but I have never been to a coronation ceremony - watched Queen Elizabeth's on TV, but that probly lacks some of the pomp and pageantry the real thing had.  Can you imagine what Jesus' coronation must have been like?  All creation bowing before the King of kings at the ready to serve him?  Of course, when we see Him, He will have been King for all time and we'll be joining the reception after the crowning.  Remember seeing the images of the queen coming onto the balcony with her family after her coronation, waving and smiling for the crowd?  We're the crowd and in Heaven we'll see Him in all His glory and be praising Him for eternity.  Can't wait...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wedding Music

I love weddings!  I think we've established that already.  I love knowing when someone's planning their wedding, love the shower and getting close to "their day" and then attending.  I wonder what does her dress look like, what will her bridesmaids wear and what will the mothers wear, what is her color scheme, what music will they have?  It all makes me remember my wedding, too - and what a happy celebration that was!  Marrying my best friend with all my family and friends around me - I'm smiling now thinking about it.  Yesterday I hear "Wedding Music" on EnLighten, the gospel radio station I love and the words got me thinking about another wedding I'm going to - and will be a part of - way more exciting than the ceremony I had almost 28 years ago.  This one will be located in Heaven and I will be the bride again.  Dream with me a little....

Is that wedding music I hear?
The bride's adorned and ready to appear.
There's heavenly preparation for the wedding celebration.
Is that wedding music I hear?

The family is preparing for a wedding. All have been invited to attend.
The bride is standing ready, waiting for the signal
When the groom says, my children come on in.

Soon we'll rise to leave this land of sorrow for that ceremony in the air.
The Father then will lead us thru the Holy Land of splendor.
Have you made your preparation to go there?
I had beautiful music on my wedding day: organ played, best friend sang, traditional wedding march in and out - but on that day, talk about a trumpet solo!  Trumpet voluntaire will not begin to rival that trumpet call!

I was determined to wear my mother's dress, and I did.  It was Wedding Dress of the Year 1957 and it was beautiful!  But on "that day" I will be clothed in white because of what Jesus did and who He is - and it will be WAY more gorgeous than any wedding dress we could manufacture.

Flowers - can you say Garden of Eden?  If God prepared that for earth, imagine what He will have ready for His Son's wedding!  Food - I only wanted wedding cake, mints and punch.  We'll be attending the Marriage Supper of the Lamb after this wedding!

I close with this thought: long ago my pastor, Dr. W.A. "Brother Billy" Smith told of a wedding he officiated for a groom whose best friend and best man was Elvis Presley.  Brother Billy said that was the only wedding he'd ever been to where all eyes weren't on the bride!  Of course, that day all eyes were on one of the groomsmen, but on THAT DAY in Heaven, all eyes will be on the groom, Jesus!  How marvelous that will be!