Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Prayer requests, no - pleadings

Had a friend thank me today for praying for her, and I have been.  Tests were coming back with good results, she was feeling better - but I knew I have not been the prayer warrior I should have been.  I resolve to do better.  There've been so many friends lately with serious needs that have been on my mind and heart. Sometimes it almost seems too much to think of.  I am so thankful, though, that my Father knows my heart's desires.  And that even though I may not mention it time and time again, He knows my prayer requests, no - pleadings.  And they resonate with Him.  This is the dialog I'm having in my mind:

Me: Father, I know you're busy.
God: What is it?  I'm not busy.
Me: My friend needs...I need....My family needs...The world needs...I want...
God: I know their needs, and yours too, but tell me anyway - and be specific.  I want you to come to me with anything and everything - and often.
Me: I know, God, and I'm sorry that I get busy and forget (now my mind is conjuring up pictures of Jesus and how He was never too busy and never forgot, even on the cross)
God: Don't cry, child, I know you love me.  I just want to hear it because I love you so much.
Me: I need a hug.
God: Me too. Come closer; I'm always here for you.  Just a breath away - even when it's your last, I'm here.
Me: Thank you - for all you do for me.  I so don't deserve it.  You're so awesome and powerful and loving and - you still have time for me and care about what I care about.
God smiling and shaking His head replies, I want to do it for you.  I want to do more, just ask.  I gave you the best I had; do you think I'd not give you anything else?
Oh, the resources I don't utilize!  I resolve to spend more time with Him in prayer and study.  I'd like to look as much like my Father, the King, as I do my earthly father. 

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