Friday, January 28, 2011

Officially in training...

     I have registered for the Komen 3Day Breast Cancer Walk, started fundraising, and now I have to start walking!  I've kinda taken the winter off, but it seems about to thaw so I better get busy!  I've found a great road/trail on our property that I think I can go with one of our dogs.  Get ready, Dixie - wake up - we've got to get outside and moving!  Atlanta, here I come - in 266 days.  They will fly by!!!
     Any support is more than welcome!  Anyone out there want to come walk with me?

Celebrate Me Home!

Not trying to be morbid, but this past weekend I heard the song that I want played/sung/printed at my memorial service when that time comes.  I'll be in Heaven, so no mourning for me - that's exactly what this song by The Perrys so clearly puts forth.  Celebrate, please, because I certainly will be!

"Celebrate Me Home"
When the time comes and I’m standing at the river
That separates the two worlds that I love
Torn between my precious friends and family
And the place of peace that’s waiting up above

Hold my hand and stay there by my side
And when I finally step into the tide

Celebrate me home, celebrate me there
Celebrate me in that land of wonder
Where nothing can compare
Celebrate me in that place
Celebrate me saved by grace
Don’t just sit and weep because I’m gone
Celebrate me home

I love the way Southern Gospel music uses a play on words to evoke just the right meaning and feeling that stays in your mind and heart, and is so easy to recall when you hear that phrase in everyday life.  To me, Kenny Hinson was a master at this "wordplay."  That is the subject for another post.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I miss Judy...

My friend, Judy Aycock, is in Heaven.  She has been there for over 20 years now.  And I miss her like crazy all the time.  A little history now: my grandparents lived and farmed in south GA and down the road from them lived the Aycock family who also farmed.  There were 6 children in the Aycock family, an older set of 3 and a younger set of 3.  The youngest one was Judy - exactly my age.  Her sister was a year or so older and their brother a year or so older than that.  Judy and I - love at first sight - and that first sight was as very small children.  She is the only person I've ever known that I can't remember meeting, we'd known each other so long.  When I visited my grandparents with Daddy during summer and Christmas vacations, Judy and I were inseperable.  We played together and were up and down the road at her house and Granny and Grandaddy's.  We mostly played at her house because, being a farm family, she had chores.  And those chores didn't get put off when she had someone to play with - I tagged along with her milking, feeding the animals they had, etc.  When we could, we rode bikes and played outside.  She was so proud when she taught me a skill - I became a "country girl" when I was around her.  When we weren't together we wrote letters constantly all through our school years, during our marriages and having children.  She ALWAYS sent me a birthday card - always - never forgot - ever!  We continued to visit as adults and enjoyed each other as much as when we were little.  Then, Judy got sick - a brain tumor that eventually took her life.  We were 30. I got the call that she was gone and I remember it clearly - sick with grief I attended her funeral.  I know where she is and that was/is some comfort, but it sure is lonelier here without her.  I love me some Judy Aycock!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Some Things I Know...

There are certainly a lot of things I don't know and many sources will "amen" that statement: past grades in school(s), work experiences in the several jobs I've had, my family!  But there are some things I do know: 
     I know Jesus and that God loves me and gave His Son for me so that I can have eternal life and an abundant life here on earth.
     I know that I'm saved.  I made a commitment to Christ when I was 22 - I can take you to the spot where I surrendered my goody-goody life for one that will never be good enough; thank you, Jesus, that I don't have to be good enough because You are.
     I know that my family is saved and we will all be together in Heaven when this life is over.  I am thankful that that is an issue that was settled long ago.  I married a man who loves Jesus first, then me; and our son was wooed by Christ and I saw him follow his Saviour in believer's baptism when he was a teen. 
     I know how to share that message with anyone who is lacking that assurance cause I've been there and I remember how it feels to be unsure.  Ask me; I'll tell you how to know Jesus and to be sure where you're going when this life is over. 
     I know that my family loves me unconditionally and I know that I don't deserve the blessing of that love.
     I know how blessed I am to have said family, good health, great friends, and a job that I love. 
     I know that I am blessed with way more than I need and most of what I want.  I know how good it feels to give, too, so I pray for lots of those opportunities.  
     I know that I am blessed with a beloved extended family - my inlaws and Alan's inlaws.  I love me some Cardwells, Burnams and Devanes!
     I know that one day, Alan and Ashley, I will be a good Grandma!
     I know that I'm not as good a person as my dogs think I am, but I aspire to be!

Monday, January 17, 2011

I Love Garner!

Back in the day, I went to after school care during elementary school.  Right across from Hall-Kent Elementary School, Birmingham, AL was Frances' Day Nursery - hereafter and forever in my life referred to as: nursery.  Never thought of it as anything other than what you do after school.  I had an avid love-hate relationship with going to the nursery, but Mama worked and not old enough to stay after school by myself - to nursery I'd go.  Garner (we referred to her this way because she referred to herself as Garner) had a son my age (Frankie) in my classes all through school, and an older daughter (Sherry).  There were several of us who were referred to as "the big kids" and certain privileges came with the title.  Though most of the time we napped (during the all day summer days) like everyone, there were some days we stayed up and listened to music with Sherry or got to walk to the local pool for the afternoon.   Lots of fun memories, one of which will be the subject of a later blog as it will tell about my introduction to my love of John Denver.  I can right now conjure some of my favorite menus: fish sticks/mac and cheese; spaghetti/applesauce.  These things will always go together in my mind.  Garner would paint my fingernails, then be exasperated the next day because I'd gone home and helped wash dishes and destroyed her handiwork (pun intended)!  I remember swinging on the swingset and singing - loudly - every song I knew.  And I remember lining up with everyone else for round cookies with the hole in the middle and kool-aid.  Garner loved "her kids" and went above and beyond for the families.  She even took children home when parents needed longer care.  She did sewing and I remember her hemming mama's dresses - much shorter than she thought they should be!  She even employed me one summer after I graduated from the nursery - 12 was the upper age limit.  Garner was/is beautiful and fit - Indian background with gorgeous long dark hair and flawless complexion.   She ate cottage cheese mixed with jello and rocked shorts during the summer! 

After very many years, we reconnected a couple of years ago and I was so happy to hear from her.  Sherry and I found each other on Facebook and now Garner and I correspond by mail and phone.  What a blessing in my life; I love you Garner!