Saturday, November 19, 2011

28 years

Today is our anniversary - Paul and I have been married 28 years!  That's a long time, y'all!!  I want to share here a poem I wrote for Paul on our 15th anniversary and I still feel the same. 

You Are The One

I wondered, as all little girls do, who I'd spend the rest of my life with.
And when I imagined being in love, "happily ever after" was not a myth.
Though we came to each other from different directions
We immediately recognized God's connection.
Love, honor and cherish - we promised to do.
So began our journey, at first just two.
Soon blessed with a son, we had found paradise:
Love, never more clear than in a child's eyes.
Almost half my life now I've spent with you
And I realize the joys and trials, too,
Which are part of God's plan for our life together
Serve to make us complete, stronger, better.
As outside activities compete for our time
I still treasure the moments that are just yours and mine.
As we celebrate the anniversary of our wedding day
I renew my commitment to you this way:
To be your helpmeet, strong by your side
Knowing as you lead, God is your Guide.
Why did we marry? God put us together!
You are the one for me now and forever!
Tonight at our anniversary dinner at Texas Roadhouse, I heard the country song "One Boy, One Girl" and the lines reminded me of our meeting:

One boy, one girl - two hearts beating wildly.
To put it mildly it was love at first sight.
He smiled, she smiled, they knew right away
This was the day they'd waited for all their lives.
And for a moment the whole world revolved around one boy and one girl.

We met in Sunday School at Sherwood Baptist in Albany, GA where I was a member.  Paul came in one Sunday morning visiting (he was working and living with his aunt and uncle who were also members) and we all turned around to see who was coming in the door.  I saw a very good looking young man who needed a place to sit, and I just happened to be sitting on the front row with an empty seat beside me which he took.  That was it!!!  We became friends but the Holy Spirit had already told me we'd be together.  Our first date - I asked him for a ride home with the promise of hot chocolate - was after a Christmas program we both were a part of and it lasted a llllllooooonnnngggg time - lots of talking and beginning to get to know each other.  I told my roommate after he left that I'd just been out with the one I'd marry.  And so we did, less than a year later.  When you know, you know; I knew then and I still know now.

Monday, November 7, 2011

"Tump" is so a word!

I grew up in Birmingham, AL and used to have a neat playground toy in the backyard called a whirlygig.  It was a round, 4 seater, merry-go-round type thing with handles and foot pedals at each seat.  A fanny goes in each seat, hands on the handles, feet on the pedals - push, pull, spin!  Loads of fun - when you have 4 people who can make it go.  I had a little brother and a little girl neighbor and a little girl across the street neighbor; as you can see I was a giant among little children in my back yard.  Every now and then we'd have enough kids to make it go and that was like going to a carnival!  But when I was on one seat and not enough weight directly across, it would tump over.  Does anyone NOT know what I mean?  I related this story once and was soundly laughed at.  "Tump" is so a word and evokes a great bunch of memories!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Prayer requests, no - pleadings

Had a friend thank me today for praying for her, and I have been.  Tests were coming back with good results, she was feeling better - but I knew I have not been the prayer warrior I should have been.  I resolve to do better.  There've been so many friends lately with serious needs that have been on my mind and heart. Sometimes it almost seems too much to think of.  I am so thankful, though, that my Father knows my heart's desires.  And that even though I may not mention it time and time again, He knows my prayer requests, no - pleadings.  And they resonate with Him.  This is the dialog I'm having in my mind:

Me: Father, I know you're busy.
God: What is it?  I'm not busy.
Me: My friend needs...I need....My family needs...The world needs...I want...
God: I know their needs, and yours too, but tell me anyway - and be specific.  I want you to come to me with anything and everything - and often.
Me: I know, God, and I'm sorry that I get busy and forget (now my mind is conjuring up pictures of Jesus and how He was never too busy and never forgot, even on the cross)
God: Don't cry, child, I know you love me.  I just want to hear it because I love you so much.
Me: I need a hug.
God: Me too. Come closer; I'm always here for you.  Just a breath away - even when it's your last, I'm here.
Me: Thank you - for all you do for me.  I so don't deserve it.  You're so awesome and powerful and loving and - you still have time for me and care about what I care about.
God smiling and shaking His head replies, I want to do it for you.  I want to do more, just ask.  I gave you the best I had; do you think I'd not give you anything else?
Oh, the resources I don't utilize!  I resolve to spend more time with Him in prayer and study.  I'd like to look as much like my Father, the King, as I do my earthly father. 

Life gets tedious...

I thought of my father-in-law today.  Albert Cardwell - loved him: great man, dad, grandfather, father-in-law, husband, friend, counselor, therapist, pastor, son, brother, uncle. He was gentle with tough love and always had time for...just about anyone and anything.  What made him come to my mind was thinking earlier that sometimes I just don't want to do what I need to do!  (Insert little whining noise)  Not necessarily a hard thing or really an undesirable thing, but just being lazy and not wanting to do (fill in the blank; I know you've felt the same way!).  Heavy sigh (I just had a Mork flashback).  I heard him in my mind as I heard him so many times say, "Life gets tedious!"  He was the epitome of 1 Corinthians 14:40, "let everything be done decently and in good order."  He wanted things to be done right, people to act right, stuff to run right - well now he's in the only place that really happens: Heaven with his Lord and Saviour.  I can't wait to see him again!  Life's not tedious now, is it Albert?

Saturday, October 1, 2011


I woke up thinking about Jesus the other morning and what I saw in my head was a crown.  Maybe some of you have, but I have never been to a coronation ceremony - watched Queen Elizabeth's on TV, but that probly lacks some of the pomp and pageantry the real thing had.  Can you imagine what Jesus' coronation must have been like?  All creation bowing before the King of kings at the ready to serve him?  Of course, when we see Him, He will have been King for all time and we'll be joining the reception after the crowning.  Remember seeing the images of the queen coming onto the balcony with her family after her coronation, waving and smiling for the crowd?  We're the crowd and in Heaven we'll see Him in all His glory and be praising Him for eternity.  Can't wait...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wedding Music

I love weddings!  I think we've established that already.  I love knowing when someone's planning their wedding, love the shower and getting close to "their day" and then attending.  I wonder what does her dress look like, what will her bridesmaids wear and what will the mothers wear, what is her color scheme, what music will they have?  It all makes me remember my wedding, too - and what a happy celebration that was!  Marrying my best friend with all my family and friends around me - I'm smiling now thinking about it.  Yesterday I hear "Wedding Music" on EnLighten, the gospel radio station I love and the words got me thinking about another wedding I'm going to - and will be a part of - way more exciting than the ceremony I had almost 28 years ago.  This one will be located in Heaven and I will be the bride again.  Dream with me a little....

Is that wedding music I hear?
The bride's adorned and ready to appear.
There's heavenly preparation for the wedding celebration.
Is that wedding music I hear?

The family is preparing for a wedding. All have been invited to attend.
The bride is standing ready, waiting for the signal
When the groom says, my children come on in.

Soon we'll rise to leave this land of sorrow for that ceremony in the air.
The Father then will lead us thru the Holy Land of splendor.
Have you made your preparation to go there?
I had beautiful music on my wedding day: organ played, best friend sang, traditional wedding march in and out - but on that day, talk about a trumpet solo!  Trumpet voluntaire will not begin to rival that trumpet call!

I was determined to wear my mother's dress, and I did.  It was Wedding Dress of the Year 1957 and it was beautiful!  But on "that day" I will be clothed in white because of what Jesus did and who He is - and it will be WAY more gorgeous than any wedding dress we could manufacture.

Flowers - can you say Garden of Eden?  If God prepared that for earth, imagine what He will have ready for His Son's wedding!  Food - I only wanted wedding cake, mints and punch.  We'll be attending the Marriage Supper of the Lamb after this wedding!

I close with this thought: long ago my pastor, Dr. W.A. "Brother Billy" Smith told of a wedding he officiated for a groom whose best friend and best man was Elvis Presley.  Brother Billy said that was the only wedding he'd ever been to where all eyes weren't on the bride!  Of course, that day all eyes were on one of the groomsmen, but on THAT DAY in Heaven, all eyes will be on the groom, Jesus!  How marvelous that will be!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Porch Pals

Isn't this guy tall and healthy?

Trash can for 3, please, near the door!

 There are LOTS of advantages to living in the country like we do - I love it!  One of the disadvantages is not having company, so we take it where we can get it.  We regularly have 3 little friends come to our house, but not to see us; it's to eat!  We keep our dog food secured (or so we thought!) in a large garbage can with a bungee cord over the top right outside the front door on the porch.  Our visitors are very persistent when hungry and make lots of noise!  But our lazy dogs are so used to the visits, they don't even wake up.  See proof in the pics...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Father's Day vol. 2

I am so very thankful that God brought Paul Cardwell into my life to be my husband and the father of my son!  This is in his honor - a tribute to him from me.  Paul, I love you - Happy Father's Day!

The Strength of a Man ©

The strength of a man is not his hands though they may provide his living:
Tender instruments of love through a hug or caress,
Tough from endless hours of pitching.
The strength of a man is not his back though it bears heavy loads:
The weight of his son while wrestling with dad
Or his bride while crossing their threshold.
The strength of a man is not his legs though they carry him down life's roads:
Ever ready to serve the needs of a friend,
Marking trails for his namesake to follow.
The strength of a man is not his mind though his decisions can be life changing:
An eternal choice for Christ, his mate throughout life,
Transferring values with results far-ranging.
The strength of a man is in his heart:
Committed, strong, and true.
Following dreams, realizing goals
Building a future as God leads us through you.

Father's Day 1999

Father's Day

I am blessed to have my earthly father still on earth.  I love having him living so close to me after he traveled so much for so long.  I can be with him in less than 2 hours!  This is a poem I wrote for him several years ago - Daddy, I love you - more now than ever!  And I'm glad you're taking care of yourself cause I need you still!  Happy Father's Day!
The Bond of Love (for Daddy)

The bond of love between a dad and daughter
Is a precious circle of care.
Born of love, nurtured through time,
Bathed in constant prayer.

We find our places together through life
And the need for each other remains.
Through constant change our hearts beat strong.
The connection stays the same.

I look up to you now as I always have.
Is there anything you can't fix?
Time after time I've run to your arms
As to a home made of mortar and bricks.

Yes, the bond of love between us
Is a precious circle of care.
Born of love, nurtured through time,
Bathed in constant prayer.

© Linda Cardwell
March 3, 1999

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Godly Giant

 Albert Walter Dorminy, 1905-1984
My grandaddy and me, 1957

I was inspired to write about my grandaddy, Albert Walter Dorminy, after this past weekend's visit with my daddy in Fitzgerald.  And the timing's right, since it's almost Father's Day, so here goes a tribute to my grandaddy, a Godly giant. 

Albert was married to Ada and they had 3 children: Carolyn (the youngest and only girl), Alvie, and Gene (the oldest, my dad).  Alvie had 2 children (Mark and Lisa) and so did my daddy: me and my brother, Gary.  So there were 4 grandchildren for them.  I was the oldest.

Ada and Albert Dorminy

He was always bigger than life to me - he was a big man, especially paired with my petite little Granny (a very Godly woman in her own right!).  He was a farmer and worked hard, all the time.  He also worked at the town's icehouse in the evenings back in the day, and drove a school bus.  I loved coming to visit him.  My brother and I came mostly a couple of weeks in the summer and a week or so at Christmas, occasionally during our spring break.  Our spring break in Alabama was not the same as the break in Georgia, so when we came and school was in I got to ride the school bus he drove and visit with the "big kids" he picked up on his route.  I've been told that he took me on the bus even when I was very little.  Then when it was parked in the yard it was a great play area - I can conjure up the heat and special smell even now!  I remember when he had cows, going with him to feed them - yep, the feed smell is there now.  I went to a tobacco auction with him one time - I can smell the tobacco now too.  I loved riding on the giant fender of his tractor with him or going in his truck to town - once a week!  He loved dessert, too - when he leaned over to me and said, "Let's have some cream" I knew that meant the churn was coming out and we were gonna have homemade ice cream!  I can remember sitting on it while it was churning and yes, I smell the motor and the rock salt!  A big part of his life was the spiritual aspect.  He was a church-going man and that meant we all went when we visited.  I remember going with them to Old Prospect Baptist Church, further down the dirt road they lived on.  Small congregation, but I remember the laughing, singing, preaching - worshipping!  His Bible was prominent in their house and well-used - no dust gathered there!

I learned some things this weekend that prompted me to write.  Here I'll relate a couple of stories about my Godly giant grandaddy.

Once when my daddy was still in school the family visited relatives and Grandaddy looked up toward the direction of their house and remarked they needed to go, their house was burning again!  Sure enough it was burning and Grandaddy announced, "God's trying to get my attention.  We're not doing some things right and that's changing right now.  We'll be regular in church for one thing."  So from then on, evidently every time the doors were open, there were the Dorminys. 
Daddy also remembered to me that they would bring the preacher home for lunch after Sunday services and Grandaddy would add to the collection for the preacher's salary if he thought it wasn't enough.  I doubt the church ever knew that. 
A friend of daddy's came to him at church with a story to relate.  He told of an acquaintance of his who was a trucker and told this man of growing up in a very poor family in Fitzgerald and riding to school on a bus driven by a man named Dorminy.  This bus driver, every Christmas, brought candy to the families of the children on his bus as gifts.  Trucker related how some years this was all they got and he remembered the kindness of Mr. Dorminy and how fond he was of him. 
Of course he was talking about my grandaddy - only the prompting of the Holy Spirit leads a poor farmer with a family to share with other families.  My daddy didn't know of this practice before hearing about it recently and even repeating it brought tears to his eyes; then him telling me made us both cry. 

I remember later when Grandaddy was so sick and in the hospital.  I was visiting and so was my cousin, Lisa.  Daddy was there and remarked to him that he had both his granddaughters there, what would he want to tell them?  One word he spoke to us - Jesus.  I told him then that he would surely live with Jesus because he loved Him so.  A Godly giant, yes.  Follower of Jesus, yes.  Always serving and loving and leaving a legacy for his family and neighbors to see.  Thank you, Grandaddy!  I'll see you when I get to Heaven!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Another Music Message

The other day I got another message through a song on EnLighten radio station.  It took me awhile to google the lyrics because I don't think I heard all the song at the time.  But the phrase that was the title, "The rock's between the hard place and you" spoke to me and I've remembered it for awhile.  I once heard a pastor say that God never intended us to be "under the circumstances" and I believe He also never means for us to be "between a rock and a hard place."  I'm glad Jesus takes my place there too!  There are lots of references to Jesus being "the rock" in scripture, song, etc, but I think this is my favorite:

Diane Wilkinson / performed by The Kingdom Heirs

There on the bed of affliction
Asking God for a miracle
You heard your trusted physician
Say, “You’d better get ready for the funeral”
Then you felt the touch of a Healing Hand
From the God Who can resurrect a lifeless man
Let me tell you what you already knew
The Rock’s between the hard place and you

One day you know you’re gonna surely be
Between the devil and the deep blue sea
If you didn’t have the Lord you wouldn’t know what to do
But there in the middle of the darkest night
You see God move, and everything’s all right
Cause the Rock’s between the hard place and you

There serving God in the bad times
Nobody cares if you sink or swim
Faithful in all of the sad times
You’ll always know you can depend on Him
When everyone thought that you would surely fail
God kept blessing and your faith prevailed
Everything He ever promised you is true
The Rock’s between the hard place and you
The lines before the title in all 3 places really struck me too: "Let me tell you what you already knew," "You see God move and everything's all right," and "Everything He ever promised you is true."  If I could just keep in the front of my mind and heart what I already know, I probly wouldn't have to be reminded so regularly.  But, since I'm a slow retainer - thank you, Father, for giving me reminders of just how You are there for me.

Crafting - wood

I love crafting - just about all kinds.  I've painted tshirts and sweatshirts (like everyone!) and done a host of other things - some might get their own post.  But just recently I did a repeat craft project - I don't do that very often because I don't want to give someone something I've done before, lest they think I don't think enough of them to make something original.  Plus, I'm getting old and I forget what I've done when and for who!  This wooden block project is something Paul and I did for our friends having children WAY back in the day when Alan was little.  Now our friends are having grandchildren and some of Alan's friends are having children so this one came out of retirement.  We use a plaque that Paul fashions in his shop and alphabet blocks - most are ones Alan had and played with, and I've added to the collection as well.  Then pegs for hanging stuff.  I love this, mostly because Paul and I make it together.  An oldie but goodie!  Anybody who wants one, help me find the blocks~

House of Fur

Alan and "Samuel" Spring 1990
It's official!  I live in a house of fur.  No, not the kind with luxurious fur of all colors and lengths - wait a minute, as a matter of fact, there are all colors, lengths and they are luxurious feeling! 

Alan and Butterscotch - Alan wanted him
so badly to ride with him!  Had to keep
a hand on him to keep him in.
Paul and I both grew up with dogs - I had Princess (toy pekignese) and he had Gigi.  When we got married we had a black cat (Kitty - I know, how original!) and then picked up a stray that wandered the Mercer campus (Nikki, a mix).  Kitty wandered away and Nikki took up with someone else on campus.  Alan's grandma gave him a cocker spaniel the Christmas he was 2, named Butterscotch.  Butterscotch was taken out of our yard one day and we never really knew where he was or what happened.  We got a golden retriever - the first of many - named Penny; what a wonderful dog she was!  Cochise belonged to above mentioned grandma and came to live with us too.  Alan was surrounded by human and animal love!  He even had 2 rabbits for a while: Hoppy and Samuel.  We rescued a border collie mix, Oreo, and found a tiny puppy, Bubba, abandoned at our local dump site.  They all lived with us for a time.  Penny, Cochise, Oreo, and Bubba are in Heaven waiting on us to join them.  We've laughed and cried with and for our dogs over the years.  Then came the twins: golden retriever puppies Dixie and Maggie and they have grown up with us - they're 9 years old now.  We still have Dixie, and Alan and his bride have Maggie with them (and they've added a male golden, Ruger).  When Alan went to college I got a little lap dog, Cookie.  She's a pomerschnoodle (dad was a pomeranian, mother was mini schnauzer/poodle) and is 7 years old.  Last month we fostered, with the hopes of permanently adding, 2 small white abandoned puppies of unknown mixed breed: Rhett and Scarlett.  They lit up our house for a couple of weeks, but ultimately could not stay.  Whew!  That brings the current count to 2 at our house: Dixie and Cookie, and 2 at Alan and Ashley's house: Maggie and Ruger.  Bring on the fur, cause with it comes unconditional love!

Cookie, Dixie, Maggie and Ruger.  As usual,
Her Highness Cookie is holding court and
Ruger is looking for something to get in to.

We're currently doggy-sitting Maggie and Ruger so our house is full of fur right now!  Guess we have to prove ourselves worthy with grand-dogs first!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Heart

I wrote this poem years ago for my mama on Mother's Day and used it on the program for her memorial service 6 years ago.  Today I offer it to her again - this time in her memory - and in honor of all the moms out there.

Mother’s Heart

Giving life, giving love
Beating strong, bearing pain
Lifting up, loaded down
Ever stretching never strained.

Working hard, weighing heavy
Holding family, healing fears
Steady pace, silent pleadings
Sharing troubles, shedding tears.

Feeling needs, following instincts
Storing memories, singing songs
Resting gently, recalling moments
Loving softly, living strong.

© Linda Cardwell
Mother’s Day ‘99
I don't know where the alliteration came from and once it started flowing, it just kept coming was done.  I like it...hope you will too.  And if you're a mom, you know how true it is.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding

Today was the day - the royal wedding of Prince Charles and Kate Middleton, now Duchess of Cambridge!  It looked lovely from my vantage point - home watching on TV.  It had all the elements of any wedding PLUS some that only occur at a royal wedding.  I love weddings - anyone's wedding!  I love all the attention to details never thought of before - or after!  I love the talk about it before and especially the pictures after.  I thoroughly enjoyed my own wedding - in fact, as I walked down the aisle I remember looking around and thinking that it was just exactly as I always wanted.  And, believe me, I'd been doing some planning - for a long time!

I didn't attend this wedding, never have attended a royal wedding. But there's one in my future, yours too if you have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior.  We will attend the ultimate wedding - not just the wedding of the century - when we, the Bride, meet Christ, our Bridegroom, at the supreme altar!  It will truly be a wedding made in Heaven!

Talk about the dress!  He will be clothed in robes of white and we will put on immortality!  The designer will be God Almighty and there won't be any knock-offs made to rival it! 

I had a bride's cake, groom's cake, punch, sandwiches and mints at my wedding reception.  But on "that day" we will feast at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb - and no one will leave hungry or thirsty ever again.

Then - and this is the best part - the honeymoon will last for eternity!  We will be His and He will be ours for time and time and time forever. 

The invitations have been extended; hope you've sent in your RSVP.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

An Easter Poem


A time of rebirth, renewal and growth,
A chance to begin anew.
We take our cue from nature's grand show,
Starting fresh as morning's first dew.

As Jesus arose with a promise of life
That morning from the grave,
We, too, will be granted freedom from strife
As His Spirit took flight from the cave.

Today our Lord gives His presence
And comfort when we feel alone.
He sends His Spirit, God's essence.
He claims us and calls us His own.

Easter reminds us to live every day
As the gift that we have been given.
Loving, serving, and living His way
Will give us a glimpse of Heaven.

© Linda Cardwell
April 4, 1999


I love working in a place where it's more than ok to share/show your faith.  It's celebrated!  God has put me in a place where I'm constantly surrounded with symbols of the Christian life. For example, it's Holy Week.  My office is just down the hall from our Chapel.  I can go there any time and, of course, it is full of the color of the season.  The purple draping reminds me of the Kingship of Christ and how we are, also, royalty because of Jesus.  The stations of the cross are on the wall - I'd like to devote another post to that.  Today I saw palms appear in the chapel and on the credenza against a wall outside my office.  Seeing them reminds me of the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and all the celebrating that went on that day.  No one but Jesus knew how temporary that would be.  But for now, the palms are displayed.  These are the palms used in Palm Sunday services and will be blessed and burned, and their ashes used for next spring's Ash Wednesday services.  Looking at them reminds me of Jesus' entry immediately followed by his death, burial, and (PTL!) resurrection - then reminds me to look ahead to next year's Lenten beginning.  Really that is a picture of the cycle of the Christian's life: joy of salvation, repentance of sin, forgiveness and renewing, inevitable sinning again, etc.  But the best part is that Jesus showed the way through His death to life eternal!  Thank you, Jesus, for going through the humiliation and pain of the cross to lead us into your heaven!  See you there!!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011


I've been waiting all day to write this post because God clearly spoke to me.  I need to be more sensitive to the things I'm exposing myself to.  Example: I love going to the theater - especially love musicals.  I had tickets to "A Chorus Line" and went last night.  Should have done some research first - I left before it was half done - and that was an hour longer than I should have stayed.  It was raunchy - to me.  I felt myself being pricked by the Holy Spirit and Him saying to me, "this is not what I want in your mind, your thoughts, your memory."  I paid attention and my friend and I got up and left.  But the Holy Spirit wasn't through with me yet.  He prompted to my mind: TV, books - stuff I like to fill my time with.  "No," He said, "those things need a good cleaning too."  So I mean to pay attention and be more mindful of what goes in my mind.  There are lots of good books out there to choose from - they don't have to be of the wrong sort - or even questionable.  I have devotion books, Christian fiction, clean fiction and others to read.  And I can turn the channel or get up when I don't think what's on TV is edifying.  I am praying that if God gives me this conviction, He will also give me the strength to live it.  Hey, friends out there, check me on this - ask me what I'm reading.  I want it to be something worthy of my time and my mind.  I'm admonished by Scripture in Philippians 2:5 to "let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

It's Our Job!

Morning music message again!  I truly believe nature is alive and in tune with its Creator.  I wish I were as in tune with my Creator!  This morning's music message echoed what Jesus said in Luke 19:40,
“I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”
This was in response to the Pharisees wanting him to quiet the crowd welcoming Him into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.  I can see around me all created, living things bursting with praise at their Creator in their own beautiful ways (blooms, growth, sunshine, rain) - but we who have a voice are so often silent.  And I can also imagine those created, living things bursting with praise aloud if we don't raise our voices to Him.  Can't you?  But it's our job to praise Him and lift Him up.  Jesus said if we would do that, He would do the rest by drawing all men to Himself. 

Lord, please help me not be silent when it comes to praising you!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Taking a Stand

Last week's Sunday School lesson (thanks again, Kim) was about Esther, "for such a time as this."  Question: Have you ever just been silent instead of proclaiming your salvation?  Lots of silence, because we're all guilty of this.  Esther was advised to keep her silence...until the timing was right.  Then she went boldly before the throne of the king with her request.

From today's Lenten devotion by Douglas Bushman: To turn away from the truth is to kill Christ.  He dies every time truth is trampled upon, since that is what sin is.  In reality, He stands before everyone, just as He stood before Pilate.  He places Himself in the position of being judged before all of us.  The Creator is judged by his creature.  He appeals to the inner sanctuary of our consciences.  Washing one's hands, as Pilate did, cannot cleanse a conscience that is too indifferent to take a stand.  Will you disown me and condemn, the condemned One asks, or will you take sides with the truth against all sin and be condemned with me?  That, in the end, is the option placed before every conscience.  Truth is a matter of life and death, His and ours.
Esther took a stand for her people - and for us - by showing us how to go boldly after prayer and being ministered to by wise counsel.  Scripture says that when the plan for eradicating the Jews (a Hitler pre-Hitler!) was to be put into action, Mordecai (her uncle and wise counsel) told her to appeal to the king. 
Esther 4:14, "For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
So, God could always use someone else, but maybe I'm in this time and place and situation "for such a time as this."  Please, Lord, put me in the situation to make a difference, then remind me that You've put me in the situation for such a time as this.  Help me be selfless instead of selfish. 

Wise woman, that Esther.  And she did save her people.  God still works through His people - if we I will be available...and seek wise counsel...and pray...and listen...and then act when the Holy Spirit leads.  Wow - lots of responsibility, but He gives all the tools - thank you, Jesus!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Divine Healing

I believe in miracles.  And I believe they take many forms.  Some come in the form of healing, but not always as we would design.  I know God works many healing miracles through the medical profession and professionals but sometimes His healing comes in the divine form, in that he heals a person by taking them out of this world and straight to Himself.

On April 16, 2005 my mama received divine healing of ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) when the medical profession could do nothing else.  She went straight to Heaven and is in God's presence now - free from pain and suffering.  That is not the outcome we'd have preferred; we'd like her to be here strong and energetic and loving.  It's easy to say that we want God's will - and I do! - but through the hurting, it hurts.  God's plan was different and we will know one day the impact her life had on others.  She's probly putting out tomatoes in God's garden!

This weekend a dear friend's son (Beau Slocumb) was also divinely healed of cancer.  He and Alan (my son) grew up together; we all grew up together in church.  This is not the way his family and friends wanted - we want Beau here, vibrant, healthy, racing and enjoying life with his new bride!  But more than that, we want God's perfect will, and want to give Him the glory for the bigger picture that we can not see.  Beau and his family touched a lot of lives and we may never know the Heavenly gain from his short life.

God GAVE us His Son, but He only LOANS us our loved ones.  Hard to keep in mind when we are so intent on having, gaining, keeping, holding - but God is good.  We will spend eternity with our loved ones who are saved and we won't think then to ask why.  He knows we want to know why now, and I can imagine Him whispering, "Just wait a little longer and we'll all be together.  Then you'll know.  But for now, just know I love you and I always want what is best for you - my best."

Jesus, help me...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Great, great Sunday School lesson last week - thanks, Kim Washburn!  The story was of David; everyone knows David's stories.  But the great thing - well, one great thing - about the Bible is that there are always lessons to learn if you will let God teach you.  What I took away from the lesson about David and Goliath is to focus.  It's the last thing Kim said before the prayer: focus on the living God, not on your problem(s).  That's HUGE!  Really, if I will just focus on my God and Saviour all the other things will fade away.  And the wonderful thing is: He already has the solution in progress!  He knew from the foundation of the world exactly how each and every day of my life would unfold and the obstacles I would/will face.  But He is so much bigger than anything that can come up - duh!  So, it's not a matter of how God will "fix it" but how we will see His plan unfolding; cause He's already fixed it!  In one way, hard to comprehend.  In another way, so simple - just let go - no, really, let go!  Oh and give Him the glory, cause that's why He does what He does.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Let me be a little...

God spoke to me again today through the radio.  The Oak Ridge Boys were singing what I remember as an old Glen Campbell (author and performer) song, "Let Me Be A Little Kinder."  I think He meant it for me so I will try to be a little...when the situation fits.

Let me be a little kinder

Let me be a little blinder
To the faults of those about me
Let me praise a little more
It's so easy to be nice and it costs nothing.  Lord, please help me remember that I can choose my responses and make the decision about how to react.  And, really, how hard is it to praise?!  Again, the cost is nothing but thought and brings such a great reward.

Let me be when I am weary
Just a little bit more cheery
Think a little more of others
And a little less of me
I think it's human nature to be short with someone (no comments please!) when you're tired, stressed, etc. but those are the very times when God calls us to show His character, not ours.

Let me be a little braver
When temptation bids me waver
Matthew 26:41 talks about the spirt being willing but the flesh being weak.  I would never suppose to argue with Jesus, but in my case it seems that the flesh (myself) wins out more than my spirit, which knows and tells me the right things to do.  Please, Lord, help me to listen to You and not to me.

Let me strive a little harder
To be all that I should be
There aren't many "cruise days" in life, so Lord, please help me make the most of all of them. 

Let me be a little meeker
With the brother that is weaker
It's so easy to be proud about our accomplishments, children, work, _______________.  But all that is less than zero to our God.  Isaiah 64:6 reminds us that our righteousness is as filthy rags.  The picture of these filthy rags is (look away if you're squeamish) what was used on oozing, pus-y sores from lepers.  Yep, that's pretty much all my good stuff is worth!
Let me think more of my neighbor
And a little less of me.
Philippians 2:3, "Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves."  I think this says it all.  God means for us to think of others as better than ourselves.  Lord, please help me think of myself lots less often.  That will naturally make more room for others in my thoughts, which should lead to right actions and uplifting words.  How 'bout that?  We actuall CAN "let this mind be in you which also was in Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:5

Friday, March 25, 2011


Today, on the calendar is The Anunciation of the Lord - 9 months before we celebrate Christmas.  Of course, we know that Jesus was not born on December 25, but for the sake of our calendar that's when it's celebrated.  So since we celebrate Christmas on Dec 25, today we celebrate The Anunciation.  As a woman, this remembrance is really significant to me.  In some of my pregnancy thoughts (a long time ago!) I imagined what it would be like to be carrying God's Son, and that I was the only one who knew other than my fiance.  What a dilemna Mary lived with, and how dangerous!  And before she even knew what everything she was agreeing to meant, she was agreeing - and cheerfully!  Mary was not revered in her lifetime as being the Queen Mother (nod to the modern day royals) but she literally lived with her reward (Jesus), and will for eternity continue to live with Him.  I can't wait to meet her. 

Mary, how did it feel to raise God's Son?  Did he ever not behave perfectly?  I know he must have said yes, ma'am and no ma'am.  Did you wonder if you and Joseph could handle it?  Did you feel any support from the mom's group you belonged to?  How old was he when he walked and talked and was potty trained? 
Mary, this is your day to be honored.  Thank you for your sacrifice and for being the model of a servant.  Thanks for showing me how to mother.  I didn't always follow your awesome example but, being the mother of a boy, I often thought of you and wondered...WWMD?

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I love Southern Gospel!  I might have mentioned that before, hmmm?  My music choices are (1) John Denver and (2) Southern Gospel.  I love all the nuances of Southern Gospel lyrics: the lines that are a play on words and familiar phrases, the music that stays in my mind all day, and the references to our mighty God and salvation through Christ - always present in each song - also swirling through my mind all day.  That is one way to keep me thinking of Him, praising Him and calling to mind the power of Jesus when I need it.  Pretty smart of God to design that, huh?

Lately I've been singing The Perrys' "This Old Sinner Testifies" and the best lines are:
well He's a mountain mover,
He's a sea walker,
A lily in a desert dry
A rose in the wilderness,
Let me tell you who He is:
This old sinner testifies He is mine.
The best of that is "Let me tell you who He is" and I picture myself giving testimony to who He is.  The song puts emphasis on "who He is" just like you would if you were emphatically telling someone about Jesus.  I love it and it reminds me not only to tell who He is but to tell what He does and thank Him for it.  I saw them sing this in concert and they really do testify through this one.
I'm thanking Him for that song and the Perrys right now!  And, of course, for who He is!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Red Letter

God must like to speak to me through music.  Or maybe I like to listen to music and he uses that vehicle to speak to me because I most always have music on when I'm by myself.  (TV too, but that's for another day!)  This morning coming in to work I heard "Red Letter Day" on the radio; I listen to enLighten, Southern Gospel radio on XM.  God gave me a message and I know I heard these words, but when I went to "google" the lyrics, nothing like what I heard came up.  I heard Him tell me to pay attention to the red letters in His word.  Of course, the words of Jesus in the New Testament are in red in some Bibles, and I have one of those among the Bibles I own.  So, how true is it that God is the author and finisher of our faith?!!!!  He even re-writes songs as they're playing to give me the message I need. 

I commit to studying more of Jesus' words and trying to live by them.  I always did like color-coding my notes.  Thank you, God, for going ahead and highlighting the important parts of the textbook for me! 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Order of Things

I like order.  I like things to be in order.  I like to be organized.  I am a rule-y person.  I like things in their correct places.  I like to make lists and tick things off.  I've even been known to put something on a list that I've already done so I could mark it off!  I have a neat, organized office; I do not have a spotless house!  I think God likes to change up the order now and then, and I think He wants us to be receptive enough to Him to think outside our little "order of service."  For those of you not Baptist, that's the program for the worship service which can have NO deviation!  Yesterday, I got a new CD (thanks again, Eddie!).  This is a re-make of a recording I used to have on an album and cassette (yes, I'm old!), not available back in the day on CD.  But my friend burned it on a CD for me and now I can listen to some favorite gospel songs again.  But...the order of the songs is different than the way I'd always heard them.  You know what I mean - you know what's coming next and are anticipating the next song before the previous one's chords even finish.  I was walking yesterday when that thought occurred to me.  I was excited to have the music again, but my very next thought was, "now I'll have to learn a new order."  "Yes," God said, "a new order.  Do ya think you could let me do something unpredictable and unexpected in your life sometimes?"  Yes, please, Father - shake me up!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Preparing for the scholarship tests, I had to write a set of instructions for the proctors.  I did this for both tests at one time - way last week (last week is a long time ago when you're old!).  This morning as I was in the shower - don't you get your revelations then? - I, all of a sudden, wondered if I had today's instruction sheet printed and in each proctor's box.  Thought about it all the way to the school, came in my office and printed another copy for each box, then went to the testing building - only to find out that I had, indeed, placed a set of instructions in each box.  Whew!  But as I thought about the panic I had been in to make sure everyone knew exactly what to do, God reminded me that I need instructions too.  So do you, yes you!  Where are we to get our instructions?  From His Word, of course and from all those He places in our lives and speaks through.  He uses our parents - if you remember that little commandment from "the top 10" about honoring your mother and father, this is what it's all about.  God does use them to give us our instructions; sometimes they seem/sound like marching orders, but that's beside the point.  God also uses others around us in authority positions: teacher, boss, pastor and friends, too.  But mainly His instructions come through THE MANUAL - His Word, the Bible.  When situations come up or questions about life, this is what we're to refer to.  Ideally, I will have read the instruction manual enough that He could bring scripture and lessons to mind to guide me.  I said, ideally - but I need lots of refreshing!  I commit to spending more time (some days that would be any time) re-reading the manual during Lent.  And I commit to making that a habit and continuing from now on.  Though the instructions don't change, God has a way of bringing you to the part that you'll need as you need it.  Ain't He good?!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


My husband eats oatmeal almost every morning of his life.  So he usually refills the container that stays out on the counter.  The other night I saw it empty and decided to go ahead and fill it up for him and God used it to remind me of something.  The container was completely empty and I thought it would hold all of the oatmeal in the new package.  So I poured it in and it looked like it would overflow.  Stop, shake, pour some more - stop, shake, tap, pour some more until it did all fit.  During all the tapping and shaking and knocking on the counter, God brought to mind Luke 6:38, "Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over..."  How great is God to remind me of a promise when I'm doing regular old stuff?!  That just happened ;} to segue into this morning's Lenten devotion written by Angela Franks. 
In part: "Giving away one's life to Jesus in a whole-hearted embrace of His cross is the key to finding oneself, for only in self-giving love are we united with Christ.  Total self-expenditure is the path to our true profit.  And God wants us to profit.  In fact, He wants our happiness more than we want it ourselves.  Lent is a call to embrace true happiness by embracing the cross as the instrument of self-giving love." 
Now, we've heard from children about giving to get and God wanting us to prosper; but when I actually stop to ponder and reflect and look around, He really does do everything to make our lives abundant.  All we have to do is ask and take.  I know that my daddy would (and does!) do anything for me, but he can't do it for me if I don't let him know what I want and ask for it.  And though our Heavenly Father knows all our needs, He wants us to petition Him and let Him know what we want. 

Thank you, Lord, for calling to mind scripture right when I need it, like You promised You would!  Please help me to not just remember and memorize Your Word, but to use it.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday

I've worked at a Catholic school for over 17 years now and have learned a lot about a lot of things formerly foreign to this Baptist.  Lots of traditions and rituals, most I like.  Most everyone knows about Ash Wednesday, but I don't think I did before I came to this job.  So for everyone else who was like me - here's a little education about Ash Wednesday. 

Ash Wednesday (today) begins the 40 day period of Lent - a reminder of the 40 day period that Jesus spent fasting and praying before the start of His ministry - a season of penance, relfection and fasting to prepare for Christ's resurrection on Easter Sunday.  (Some Protestant churches, BTW, do observe Lent - many more than used to.)

The name comes from the practice of placing ashes on the forehead in the sign of the cross - a sign of repentance.  This comes from the Biblical practice of repentance using dust and ashes (Job 42) and sackcloth and ashes (Jer 6, Daniel 9).  It's a very tactile reminder of "dust to dust, ashes to ashes" referring to what we came from and what we will one day return to, and  that life passes away.  Lent is a season of grief ending with the celebration of Easter.  Sorta like the light at the end of the tunnel.  Lent is also known as a time of sacrifice; giving up something for Jesus.  The custom used to be, and for some still is, to give up something you love for the 40 days of Lent.  But more recently as I've heard the Priests explain, it has come to mean giving up something in order to add something in your life to bring you closer to God - instead of giving up something just for the sake of giving up something.  Prayer, fasting and giving are encouraged. up something and replacing it with something that puts the focus on God: I commit to that during Lent.  In fact, I commit to doing that from now on.  Hold me accountable, friends!

Where do the ashes come from?  Glad you asked!  They are made from the palms used in last year's Palm Sunday celebration.  Receiving ashes today in the service reminded me that this life is so temporary and that only what's done for Christ and His kingdom are lasting.  The Priest's homily included Jesus telling His followers about how they were to do their "good deeds" and that was in secret and not out in the open.  He said, "so don't show off!"  Great advice! 

In today's service one of the prayers was, "Let the signing with ashes today remind us of the passing nature of material things and help us give more attention to the things of the spirit, we pray."  Another: "At the beginning of this holy season, let us pray for the renewal of our hearts and the needs of all those around us."  Ok, Linda - stop looking at yourself and look within, then around.  Look within to remind yourself of The One who gave Himself for your selfish self!  Look around to see where you can do some good for someone else, but try to do it in secret!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Grizzly Adams

I love reading The Pioneer Woman's book and blog, and they reminded me that I have my own nicknamed husband.  I've had Paul (Grizzly Adams) a lot longer than she and Marlboro Man have been together.  Now, some of you are not old enough to remember Grizzly Adams, but if you Google it I think you'll agree with me about the resemblance.  He's a gentle giant, but can be imposing until you know the mushy side.  I love my big strong guy!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Calvary Calls

Got a CD from a musician friend of mine the other day (thanks, Eddie!) and one of the songs really spoke out loud to me: Calvary Calls.  I was in the car driving, thinking, hoping, and asking God to use me in the Kingdom for something!  I'm so unworthy. 

I could squander my existence-
Live my life in search of ease,
Give all my days to gaining man's applause,
Thinking only of myself and all that pleases me.
But Calvary calls.

Calvary calls me to surrender,
Calvary calls me to obey;
Into a dying world it calls me to be a light along the way.
For the cross demands allegiance
So I'll give nothing less than all;
And I'll answer, "Here am I."
When Calvary calls.
In the mumbling of a stranger, in the clamor of a crowd
I can hear the constant cry above it all;
Sometimes it's just a whisper-
Sometimes it seems so loud,
When Calvary calls. Calvary calls.

If I see a brother broken by defeat and left to die,
And no one comes to help him when he falls.
Let me be the arms of mercy reaching out in Jesus' name
When Calvary calls. Calvary calls.

(Lyrics by Marty Funderburk)

Sunday, February 13, 2011


What a great holiday is Valentine's Day!  A chance to really focus on the one(s) you love and those who love you mostly in all the world!  This morning the pastor in the worship service spoke about God's indescribable love for us.  Of course, He is above all others as our soul-lover, and the model we look to in order to know unconditional love.  God's gift to us, Jesus, is as the Southern Gospel song says, "above all words and beyond all things - Jesus is above and beyond!"  God, the Father, gave Him to die for us that all believers could live - how's that for a Valentine gift!  No roses or candy or diamond can top that!!  What a romantic - One who gives and gives and has unlimited resources - and all He asks in return is that we love Him!

Of course, we as humans (read: women) need something(s) and someone(s) to hold and look at in person; and God knew that so He did give us real life Valentines.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for the loves in my life. 

(1) In addition to my Heavenly Father, I have an earthly father who loves me even though I haven't always been the daughter (to either one) that I should be.  I love remembering the story Mama used to tell me of how he came into the hospital room after I was born and had seen me in the nursery - huge grin on his face, so happy with a baby girl.  I can see it now, making me smile too. 

(2) In the sermon this morning, above mentioned pastor asked if we could remember the moment we saw our spouses, the time we knew he/she was the one, and the times leading up to and including our wedding.  I do remember the very minute I first saw Paul and wanted to get to know him, then our first date and knowing that he was the one I would marry.  I absolutely know God put us together and the most vivid memory of my wedding is this one: when Daddy was walking me down the aisle I was looking around and thinking, "this is exactly what I've always wanted."  That included the dress, the church, my one attendant (Mama), and the groom/love/life partner that God had led me to.  Now, 27+ years later, I still feel he's the one and I love our life together. 

(3) As if that weren't enough, I was blessed with a baby boy - now a young man with his own wife - to love.  How great is our God?!  I guess a child is the closest we will come to God's unconditional love.  That's all they know: love and giving love.  I wish I could capture that innocent charming love to recall when I don't feel quite so loving and giving.

Happy Valentine's Day to all my friends and loved ones!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Walking with Dixie and Cookie

Tried an experiment today - time to get out and start training for the Breast Cancer 3Day every chance the weather will let me, so this afternoon I decided to get my 2 lazy dogs in on the action.  We have a golden retrieiver (Dixie) who's about 100 lb - I know, no judgement please - and a little pomerschnoodle (yes, she is just as cute as her breed name suggests!).  They both also need exercise - so to kill 3 birds with one stone, we headed out.  Paul has cut a "road" on the left side property line all the way back to the back property line and there was already a "trail" on the other side.  Since we back up to the wildlife refuge and power lines, it makes a good route to follow.  I took Dixie first with a 20' lead (turned out to be too long) and by the time it took us to go, it's about 1/2 mile route. She loved it and we'll definately do it again.  Then I came back to get Cookie with her harness and 3' lead (not long enough) and she loved it too.  Not the optimum walk for me since I need to build up to many miles at a time, but now I know the route length and I could take either dog with me and they can get some exercise too.  Now they're both laid out on the floor as if we'd walked a marathon.  Guess they'll have to build up their endurance too.  I'm excited about walking the 3Day again this year - please if you can, go to and click on Donate Now and find my name and make a donation.  I have to raise $2300 - much harder than getting in shape for the event!  Thanks for any help!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Officially in training...

     I have registered for the Komen 3Day Breast Cancer Walk, started fundraising, and now I have to start walking!  I've kinda taken the winter off, but it seems about to thaw so I better get busy!  I've found a great road/trail on our property that I think I can go with one of our dogs.  Get ready, Dixie - wake up - we've got to get outside and moving!  Atlanta, here I come - in 266 days.  They will fly by!!!
     Any support is more than welcome!  Anyone out there want to come walk with me?

Celebrate Me Home!

Not trying to be morbid, but this past weekend I heard the song that I want played/sung/printed at my memorial service when that time comes.  I'll be in Heaven, so no mourning for me - that's exactly what this song by The Perrys so clearly puts forth.  Celebrate, please, because I certainly will be!

"Celebrate Me Home"
When the time comes and I’m standing at the river
That separates the two worlds that I love
Torn between my precious friends and family
And the place of peace that’s waiting up above

Hold my hand and stay there by my side
And when I finally step into the tide

Celebrate me home, celebrate me there
Celebrate me in that land of wonder
Where nothing can compare
Celebrate me in that place
Celebrate me saved by grace
Don’t just sit and weep because I’m gone
Celebrate me home

I love the way Southern Gospel music uses a play on words to evoke just the right meaning and feeling that stays in your mind and heart, and is so easy to recall when you hear that phrase in everyday life.  To me, Kenny Hinson was a master at this "wordplay."  That is the subject for another post.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I miss Judy...

My friend, Judy Aycock, is in Heaven.  She has been there for over 20 years now.  And I miss her like crazy all the time.  A little history now: my grandparents lived and farmed in south GA and down the road from them lived the Aycock family who also farmed.  There were 6 children in the Aycock family, an older set of 3 and a younger set of 3.  The youngest one was Judy - exactly my age.  Her sister was a year or so older and their brother a year or so older than that.  Judy and I - love at first sight - and that first sight was as very small children.  She is the only person I've ever known that I can't remember meeting, we'd known each other so long.  When I visited my grandparents with Daddy during summer and Christmas vacations, Judy and I were inseperable.  We played together and were up and down the road at her house and Granny and Grandaddy's.  We mostly played at her house because, being a farm family, she had chores.  And those chores didn't get put off when she had someone to play with - I tagged along with her milking, feeding the animals they had, etc.  When we could, we rode bikes and played outside.  She was so proud when she taught me a skill - I became a "country girl" when I was around her.  When we weren't together we wrote letters constantly all through our school years, during our marriages and having children.  She ALWAYS sent me a birthday card - always - never forgot - ever!  We continued to visit as adults and enjoyed each other as much as when we were little.  Then, Judy got sick - a brain tumor that eventually took her life.  We were 30. I got the call that she was gone and I remember it clearly - sick with grief I attended her funeral.  I know where she is and that was/is some comfort, but it sure is lonelier here without her.  I love me some Judy Aycock!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Some Things I Know...

There are certainly a lot of things I don't know and many sources will "amen" that statement: past grades in school(s), work experiences in the several jobs I've had, my family!  But there are some things I do know: 
     I know Jesus and that God loves me and gave His Son for me so that I can have eternal life and an abundant life here on earth.
     I know that I'm saved.  I made a commitment to Christ when I was 22 - I can take you to the spot where I surrendered my goody-goody life for one that will never be good enough; thank you, Jesus, that I don't have to be good enough because You are.
     I know that my family is saved and we will all be together in Heaven when this life is over.  I am thankful that that is an issue that was settled long ago.  I married a man who loves Jesus first, then me; and our son was wooed by Christ and I saw him follow his Saviour in believer's baptism when he was a teen. 
     I know how to share that message with anyone who is lacking that assurance cause I've been there and I remember how it feels to be unsure.  Ask me; I'll tell you how to know Jesus and to be sure where you're going when this life is over. 
     I know that my family loves me unconditionally and I know that I don't deserve the blessing of that love.
     I know how blessed I am to have said family, good health, great friends, and a job that I love. 
     I know that I am blessed with way more than I need and most of what I want.  I know how good it feels to give, too, so I pray for lots of those opportunities.  
     I know that I am blessed with a beloved extended family - my inlaws and Alan's inlaws.  I love me some Cardwells, Burnams and Devanes!
     I know that one day, Alan and Ashley, I will be a good Grandma!
     I know that I'm not as good a person as my dogs think I am, but I aspire to be!

Monday, January 17, 2011

I Love Garner!

Back in the day, I went to after school care during elementary school.  Right across from Hall-Kent Elementary School, Birmingham, AL was Frances' Day Nursery - hereafter and forever in my life referred to as: nursery.  Never thought of it as anything other than what you do after school.  I had an avid love-hate relationship with going to the nursery, but Mama worked and not old enough to stay after school by myself - to nursery I'd go.  Garner (we referred to her this way because she referred to herself as Garner) had a son my age (Frankie) in my classes all through school, and an older daughter (Sherry).  There were several of us who were referred to as "the big kids" and certain privileges came with the title.  Though most of the time we napped (during the all day summer days) like everyone, there were some days we stayed up and listened to music with Sherry or got to walk to the local pool for the afternoon.   Lots of fun memories, one of which will be the subject of a later blog as it will tell about my introduction to my love of John Denver.  I can right now conjure some of my favorite menus: fish sticks/mac and cheese; spaghetti/applesauce.  These things will always go together in my mind.  Garner would paint my fingernails, then be exasperated the next day because I'd gone home and helped wash dishes and destroyed her handiwork (pun intended)!  I remember swinging on the swingset and singing - loudly - every song I knew.  And I remember lining up with everyone else for round cookies with the hole in the middle and kool-aid.  Garner loved "her kids" and went above and beyond for the families.  She even took children home when parents needed longer care.  She did sewing and I remember her hemming mama's dresses - much shorter than she thought they should be!  She even employed me one summer after I graduated from the nursery - 12 was the upper age limit.  Garner was/is beautiful and fit - Indian background with gorgeous long dark hair and flawless complexion.   She ate cottage cheese mixed with jello and rocked shorts during the summer! 

After very many years, we reconnected a couple of years ago and I was so happy to hear from her.  Sherry and I found each other on Facebook and now Garner and I correspond by mail and phone.  What a blessing in my life; I love you Garner!