Friday, January 28, 2011

Celebrate Me Home!

Not trying to be morbid, but this past weekend I heard the song that I want played/sung/printed at my memorial service when that time comes.  I'll be in Heaven, so no mourning for me - that's exactly what this song by The Perrys so clearly puts forth.  Celebrate, please, because I certainly will be!

"Celebrate Me Home"
When the time comes and I’m standing at the river
That separates the two worlds that I love
Torn between my precious friends and family
And the place of peace that’s waiting up above

Hold my hand and stay there by my side
And when I finally step into the tide

Celebrate me home, celebrate me there
Celebrate me in that land of wonder
Where nothing can compare
Celebrate me in that place
Celebrate me saved by grace
Don’t just sit and weep because I’m gone
Celebrate me home

I love the way Southern Gospel music uses a play on words to evoke just the right meaning and feeling that stays in your mind and heart, and is so easy to recall when you hear that phrase in everyday life.  To me, Kenny Hinson was a master at this "wordplay."  That is the subject for another post.


  1. Thank you sooooo much for posting this. I just heard this on the radio today..which I NEVER listen to but my CD player had just broken and I was on a 2 hour drive so began searching for a station when I heard these lyrics.
    Btw...I am a mother, Christian, conservative and a John Denver fan too! :)

  2. Thanks for the post - seems we have a lot in common! Maybe we'll meet one day, if not here, then in Heaven!
