Monday, January 17, 2011

I Love Garner!

Back in the day, I went to after school care during elementary school.  Right across from Hall-Kent Elementary School, Birmingham, AL was Frances' Day Nursery - hereafter and forever in my life referred to as: nursery.  Never thought of it as anything other than what you do after school.  I had an avid love-hate relationship with going to the nursery, but Mama worked and not old enough to stay after school by myself - to nursery I'd go.  Garner (we referred to her this way because she referred to herself as Garner) had a son my age (Frankie) in my classes all through school, and an older daughter (Sherry).  There were several of us who were referred to as "the big kids" and certain privileges came with the title.  Though most of the time we napped (during the all day summer days) like everyone, there were some days we stayed up and listened to music with Sherry or got to walk to the local pool for the afternoon.   Lots of fun memories, one of which will be the subject of a later blog as it will tell about my introduction to my love of John Denver.  I can right now conjure some of my favorite menus: fish sticks/mac and cheese; spaghetti/applesauce.  These things will always go together in my mind.  Garner would paint my fingernails, then be exasperated the next day because I'd gone home and helped wash dishes and destroyed her handiwork (pun intended)!  I remember swinging on the swingset and singing - loudly - every song I knew.  And I remember lining up with everyone else for round cookies with the hole in the middle and kool-aid.  Garner loved "her kids" and went above and beyond for the families.  She even took children home when parents needed longer care.  She did sewing and I remember her hemming mama's dresses - much shorter than she thought they should be!  She even employed me one summer after I graduated from the nursery - 12 was the upper age limit.  Garner was/is beautiful and fit - Indian background with gorgeous long dark hair and flawless complexion.   She ate cottage cheese mixed with jello and rocked shorts during the summer! 

After very many years, we reconnected a couple of years ago and I was so happy to hear from her.  Sherry and I found each other on Facebook and now Garner and I correspond by mail and phone.  What a blessing in my life; I love you Garner!

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