Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Taking a Stand

Last week's Sunday School lesson (thanks again, Kim) was about Esther, "for such a time as this."  Question: Have you ever just been silent instead of proclaiming your salvation?  Lots of silence, because we're all guilty of this.  Esther was advised to keep her silence...until the timing was right.  Then she went boldly before the throne of the king with her request.

From today's Lenten devotion by Douglas Bushman: To turn away from the truth is to kill Christ.  He dies every time truth is trampled upon, since that is what sin is.  In reality, He stands before everyone, just as He stood before Pilate.  He places Himself in the position of being judged before all of us.  The Creator is judged by his creature.  He appeals to the inner sanctuary of our consciences.  Washing one's hands, as Pilate did, cannot cleanse a conscience that is too indifferent to take a stand.  Will you disown me and condemn, the condemned One asks, or will you take sides with the truth against all sin and be condemned with me?  That, in the end, is the option placed before every conscience.  Truth is a matter of life and death, His and ours.
Esther took a stand for her people - and for us - by showing us how to go boldly after prayer and being ministered to by wise counsel.  Scripture says that when the plan for eradicating the Jews (a Hitler pre-Hitler!) was to be put into action, Mordecai (her uncle and wise counsel) told her to appeal to the king. 
Esther 4:14, "For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
So, God could always use someone else, but maybe I'm in this time and place and situation "for such a time as this."  Please, Lord, put me in the situation to make a difference, then remind me that You've put me in the situation for such a time as this.  Help me be selfless instead of selfish. 

Wise woman, that Esther.  And she did save her people.  God still works through His people - if we I will be available...and seek wise counsel...and pray...and listen...and then act when the Holy Spirit leads.  Wow - lots of responsibility, but He gives all the tools - thank you, Jesus!

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