Thursday, March 10, 2011


My husband eats oatmeal almost every morning of his life.  So he usually refills the container that stays out on the counter.  The other night I saw it empty and decided to go ahead and fill it up for him and God used it to remind me of something.  The container was completely empty and I thought it would hold all of the oatmeal in the new package.  So I poured it in and it looked like it would overflow.  Stop, shake, pour some more - stop, shake, tap, pour some more until it did all fit.  During all the tapping and shaking and knocking on the counter, God brought to mind Luke 6:38, "Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over..."  How great is God to remind me of a promise when I'm doing regular old stuff?!  That just happened ;} to segue into this morning's Lenten devotion written by Angela Franks. 
In part: "Giving away one's life to Jesus in a whole-hearted embrace of His cross is the key to finding oneself, for only in self-giving love are we united with Christ.  Total self-expenditure is the path to our true profit.  And God wants us to profit.  In fact, He wants our happiness more than we want it ourselves.  Lent is a call to embrace true happiness by embracing the cross as the instrument of self-giving love." 
Now, we've heard from children about giving to get and God wanting us to prosper; but when I actually stop to ponder and reflect and look around, He really does do everything to make our lives abundant.  All we have to do is ask and take.  I know that my daddy would (and does!) do anything for me, but he can't do it for me if I don't let him know what I want and ask for it.  And though our Heavenly Father knows all our needs, He wants us to petition Him and let Him know what we want. 

Thank you, Lord, for calling to mind scripture right when I need it, like You promised You would!  Please help me to not just remember and memorize Your Word, but to use it.

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